Poems by Arthur Symons

Poems by Arthur Symons

The Coming of Spring, by Arthur Symons

Spring is come back, and the little voices are calling,
The birds are calling, the little gre...

The Abandoned, by Arthur Symons

The moonlight touched the sombre waters white.
Beneath the bridge 'twas darker. Was she cold?

At Glan-Y-Wern, by Arthur Symons

White-robed against the threefold white
Of shutter, glass, and curtain's lace,
She flashed i...

At Dieppe, by Arthur Symons

TO WALTER SICKERT The grey-green stretch of sandy grass,
Indefinitely desolate;
A sea of lea...

At Carbis Bay, by Arthur Symons

Out of the night of the sea,
Out of the turbulent night,
A sharp and hurrying wind
Scourges ...

Alle Zattere, by Arthur Symons

Only to live, only to be
In Venice, is enough for me.
To be a beggar, and to lie
At home be...

Alla Dogana, by Arthur Symons

Night, and the silence of the night,
In Venice; far away, a song;
As if the lyric water mad...

Airs for the Lute, by Arthur Symons

I When the sobbing lute complains,
Grieving for an ancient sorrow,
This poor sorrow that rem...