White Heliotrope, by Arthur Symons
The feverish room and that white bed,
The tumbled skirts upon a chair,
The novel flung half-o...
The feverish room and that white bed,
The tumbled skirts upon a chair,
The novel flung half-o...
My little slave!
Wouldst thou escape me? Only in the grave. I will be poison to thee, h...
Why is it I remember yet
You, of all women one has met
In random wayfare, as one meets
The c...
After a design by Fé licien Rops The Cross, the Cross is tainted! O most Just,
Be merc...
Her eyes across the footlights gleam,
(The wine of love, the wine of dream)
Because you are fair as souls of the lost are fair,
And your eyelids laugh with desire, and yo...
Roses and rose-buds, red and white,
Nestled between your breasts to-night,
And, lying there...
I have loved wind and light,
And the bright sea,
But, holy and most secret Night,
Not as I...
I Last night I saw you decked to meet
The coming of those most reluctant feet:
The little bon...
I have laid you away as we lay
The toys of a little dead child,
You know you are safe in my he...
After a picture by Burne Jones The green leaves, ah, the green leaves cover me:
Would I migh...
Against the world I closed my heart,
And, half in pride and half in fear,
I said to Love and...
The pale moon shining from a pallid sky
Lit half the street, and over half she laid
Her folded...
I For God's sake, let me love you, and give over
These tedious protestations of a lover;
These are the women whom no man has loved.
Year after year, day after day has moved.
These hea...