Variations: XVIII, by Conrad Aiken

Variations: XVIII

The sun distills a golden light,
The sun distills a silence.
White clouds dazzle across the sky:
I walk in the blowing garden
Breaking the gay leaves under my feet..
Leaves have littered the marble seat
Where the lovers sat in silence:
Leaves have littered the empty seat.   Down there the blue pool, quiveringly,
Ripples the fire of the sun;
Down there the tall tree, restlessly,
Shivers beneath the sun.
Beloved, I walk alone..
What dream is this that sings with me,
Always in sunlight sings with me?   Out there the blue sea, glimmeringly,
Ripples among the dunes.
Blue waves streaked and chained with fire
Rustle among the dunes.   The sea-gull spreads his wings
Dizzily over the foam to skim,
And an azure shadow speeds with him.
The sea-gull folds his wings
To fall from depth to depth of air
And finds sky everywhere. - Conrad Aiken

Conrad Aiken