Gull Poems

Gull Poems

Gerontion, by T. S. Eliot

Thou hast nor youth nor age
But as it were an ...

Song of Myself, by Walt Whitman

1 I celebrate myself, and sing myself,

In Harness, by Lola Ridge

I The foreman's head
slowly circling..

Solitude, Shared, by Julie Rutherford


My Reflection by Night, by Du Fu

Some scattered grass. A shore breeze blowing li...

Nocturne In a Minor Key, by Conrad Aiken

I I will say: I walked alone in whistling dark...

Variations: XVIII, by Conrad Aiken

The sun distills a golden light,
The sun dist...

By the Pool at the Third Rosses, by Arthur Symons

I heard the sighing of the reeds
In the grey p...

Welcome to the Park, by Calvera Tomczak

Welcome to the park where I took my lover down ...

Beauty, by Elinor Wylie

Say not of Beauty she is good,
Or aught but b...

Winter Sleep, by Elinor Wylie

When against earth a wooden heel
Clicks as lou...

Atlantis, by Horace G. Groser

Far out beyond the furrowed seas they lie,

Polar Bear, by Isaac McLellan

Amid the vast, eternal ice,
The crystal plai...

Sea-Gull, by Isaac McLellan

Sea-Bird, skimmer of the waves,
Whither doth...

Spring in the Semi-Tropics, by Kenneth Rand

The tossing tops of the palm are loud with a wi...