I love my Bible, for it is
The pure inspired word;
It came from God; it leads to bliss;
Its author is the Lord. I love my Bible for the truth
Revealed on every page;
It taught me wisdom in my youth,
It cheers my hoary age. I love my Bible, for it shows
The path that leads to heaven,
And points me to that calm repose--
The joy of sins forgiven. I love my Bible, for it tells
Of endless joys to come,
Where Jesus my Redeemer dwells--
The saints' eternal home. I love my Bible for the light
It sheds along my way--
My lamp in dark affliction's night,
My guide to endless day. I love my Bible for the balm
It has to heal my grief--
A soothing promise or a psalm
To give a sweet relief. O! May the Bible widely spread,
Diffuse the living word--
T' awaken sinners from the dead,
And bring them to the Lord.