Plant Poems

Plant Poems

The Incarnation, by William B. Tappan

Jerusalem awakes,
Her giant shadows flee;

Love, by William B. Tappan

Yes, life is but a waste,
A cheerless pathwa...

Music of Light, by William B. Tappan

Ere Eden blossomed wild,
Or earth received a ...

Ruins of James Town, Virginia, by William B. Tappan


The Thorn of Life, by William B. Tappan

We see in life's wide wilderness,
Some plants...

aurora flytrap, by William F. DeVault

legs like coiled dreams, fed
kisses fired by ...

Heart Pictures, by William H. Bushnell

Her hair is the gold-brown of chestnuts,
Her ...

Home, by William H. Bushnell

Where the rustic porch was hidden by roses, re...

Life's Changes, by William H. Bushnell

On a green, mossy bank, near a swift speeding...

Marguerite, by William H. Bushnell

Hair as silk of corn sun-kissed,
Rippling in ...

The Rape of Lucrece, by William Shakespeare

FROM the besieged Ardea all in post,

A California Home, by William Wendell Riley

Cool, irrigating streams refresh these lands, ...

Apple Blossoms, by William Wilsey Martin

Have you seen an apple orchard in the spring?

The Birth of the Red Rose, by William Wilsey Martin

Thro' the gateways of Eden, Eve all mournful

Blow, Wild March Wind, by William Wilsey Martin

Blow, wild March wind! In hollows of the lea, ...

Crossing, by William Wilsey Martin

I lay afloat, in an idle boat
(A fisher-lad h...

Nature, by William Wilsey Martin

I The heart of Nature soothes the heart of man...

Red Berries of Briony, by William Wilsey Martin

Rich was the harvest he vow'd to reap,
When h...

Grieve Not for Beauty, by Witter Bynner

Grieve not for the invisible, transported brow...

Rose-Time, by Witter Bynner

What though love requires no test,
In this ro...

Refugio's Hair, by Alberto Rios

In the old days of our family,
My grandmother w...

When There Were Ghosts, by Alberto Rios

On the Mexico side in the 1950s and 60s,There w...

The Bay Fight, by Henry Howard Brownell

(Mobile Bay, August 5, 1864.)
“On the forecastl...

Adam's Curse, by William Butler Yeats

We sat together at one summer's end,
That beaut...

The Rose of Battle, by William Butler Yeats

Rose of all Roses, Rose of all the World!The ta...