Plant Poems

Plant Poems

Late Spring, by Robert Leighton

Spring is with us by the sun,
Yet it has not ...

The Country Road, by Robert McIntyre

Old meandering country road, to thy track I tu...

Joseph, by Robert McIntyre

Beyond the farthest bourne of Dan
O'er lands w...

Knee Deep, by Robert McIntyre

They are calling "knee deep! Knee deep!" tonigh...

Mary, by Robert McIntyre

Thro' the garden at morn, in cool emerald gloo...

Pictures of the Past, by Robert McIntyre

God is good to let us keep in mind the pictures...

When the Gold is on the Willow, by Robert McIntyre

When the gold is on the willow, and the purple...

The Inchcape Rock, by Robert Southey

No stir in the air, no stir in the sea,

Pompeii, by Robert Stephen Hawker

How fair the scene! The sunny smiles of day

Among the Lilies, by Rosa Vertner Jeffrey

Dost mind the summer day when first we met

Baby Power, by Rosa Vertner Jeffrey

Six little feet to cover,
Six little hands to...

Christmas Faith, by Rosa Vertner Jeffrey

"Do you believe in Santa Claus?"
To his little...

Christmas Pictures, by Rosa Vertner Jeffrey

Christmas-Eve! And all unruffled
Dumb white sp...

Cleopatra, by Rosa Vertner Jeffrey

Queen of beauty, through all ages,
Queen of ...

Elder-Flowers, by Rosa Vertner Jeffrey

When the beautiful elder-flowers are drifting t...

The Flight of April, by Rosa Vertner Jeffrey

By frozen rills
Among the hills
Was smiling A...

Hasheesh Visions, by Rosa Vertner Jeffrey

Fiery fetters fiercely bound me,
Globes of go...

A Legend of Lucciole, by Rosa Vertner Jeffrey

On a night long ago,
When the midsummer's glo...

Love and Reason, by Rosa Vertner Jeffrey

Young Love went sailing without fear
Upon a lo...

The Night has Come, by Rosa Vertner Jeffrey

The night has come, when I may sleep,
To dre...

A Rose, by Rosa Vertner Jeffrey

A rose I cull for thee, one royal flower

A Summer Idyl, by Rosa Vertner Jeffrey

Pictures of sunset, yester eve,
The still la...

Sunset Symbols, by Rosa Vertner Jeffrey

I watched the sun with lurid splendor set,

The Total Eclipse of 1869, by Rosa Vertner Jeffrey

A spectacle in heaven!--behold!--there is no ta...

Under the Sands, by Rosa Vertner Jeffrey

Suggested by a notice of Sir Douglas Forsyth's ...