Doctor Poems

Doctor Poems

A Hundred Collars, by Robert Frost

LANCASTER bore him--such a little town,
Such ...

"Out, Out--", by Robert Frost

THE buzz-saw snarled and rattled in the yard

The Self-Seeker, by Robert Frost

"WILLIS, I didn't want you here to-day:
The ...

A Servant to Servants, by Robert Frost

I DIDN'T make you know how glad I was
To have ...

Eidolons, by Walt Whitman

I met a seer,
Passing the hues and objects of...

A March in the Ranks Hard-Prest, and the Road Unknown, by Walt Whitman

A march in the ranks hard-prest, and the road ...

The Idiot Boy, by William Wordsworth

'Tis eight o'clock, a clear March night,
The ...

A Poet's Epitaph, by William Wordsworth

Art thou a Statist in the van
Of public confl...

Puppet, by Paul Verlaine

Scaramouche and Pulcinella
Gesticulate wildly,...

Up at a Villa—Down in the City, by Robert Browning

(As distinguished by an Italian person of quali...

Li T'ai Po, by Amy Lowell

So, Master, the wine gave you something,
I ...

The Idiot Boy, by William Wordsworth

'Tis eight o'clock, a clear March night,
The ...

A Poet's Epitaph, by William Wordsworth

Art thou a Statist in the van
Of public confl...

Two Deaths in the Bronx, by Donald Evans

The sodden stretches of the months of pregnancy...

Sleepy Hollow, by Arthur Guiterman

'Twas in the drowsy Moon of Falling Leaves,

On Fools, by Bhartrhari

She whom I worship night and day, she loathes ...

Kill a Rabbit, by Jody Azzouni

Originally appeared in the APA's Newsletter on ...

The Silver Wedding, by John Godfrey Saxe

"A WEDDING of Silver!--and what shall we do?"

Tale of a Dog, by John Godfrey Saxe

PART ONE I "Curse on all curs!" I heard a cyn...

Circus Clown, by Joshua Knight

Just saw a preview for the movie,
Yes, wher...

The Song of a Little Boy With a Hypertrophied Heart, by Jules Laforgue

MY mammy, says the Doctor,
Died because some...

Straw-Death, by Kenneth Rand

I who have lived my life,
My years of hot-blo...

Short Term Memory Loss, by Mark Thalman

Mother, a Phi Beta Kappa,
who graduated seco...

Washed Away, by Megan Reetz

It started just like any other Friday night at ...