A Hundred Collars, by Robert Frost
LANCASTER bore him--such a little town,
Such ...
LANCASTER bore him--such a little town,
Such ...
THE buzz-saw snarled and rattled in the yard
"WILLIS, I didn't want you here to-day:
The ...
I DIDN'T make you know how glad I was
To have ...
Tired with all these, for restful death I cry,...
I met a seer,
Passing the hues and objects of...
A march in the ranks hard-prest, and the road ...
'Tis eight o'clock, a clear March night,
The ...
Art thou a Statist in the van
Of public confl...
Scaramouche and Pulcinella
Gesticulate wildly,...
(As distinguished by an Italian person of quali...
So, Master, the wine gave you something,
I ...
'Tis eight o'clock, a clear March night,
The ...
Art thou a Statist in the van
Of public confl...
The sodden stretches of the months of pregnancy...
'Twas in the drowsy Moon of Falling Leaves,
She whom I worship night and day, she loathes ...
Originally appeared in the APA's Newsletter on ...
"A WEDDING of Silver!--and what shall we do?"
PART ONE I "Curse on all curs!" I heard a cyn...
Just saw a preview for the movie,
Yes, wher...
MY mammy, says the Doctor,
Died because some...
I who have lived my life,
My years of hot-blo...
Mother, a Phi Beta Kappa,
who graduated seco...
It started just like any other Friday night at ...