"A WEDDING of Silver!--and what shall we do?"
I said in response to my excellent spouse,
Who hinted, this morning, we ought to renew,
According to custom, our conjugal vows. "I wouldn't much mind it, now--if--and suppose--
The bride were a blooming--Ah! Well--on my life,
I think--to be candid--(don't turn up your nose!)
That every new wedding should bring a new wife!" "And, what if it should?" was the laughing reply;
"Do you think, my dear John, you could ever obtain
Another so fond and so faithful as I,
Should you purchase a wig, and go courting again?" "Ah! Darling"--I answered--"'tis just as you say";
And, clasping a waist rather shapely than small,
I kissed the dear girl in so ardent a way
You wouldn't have guessed we were married at all! My wedding-day, Doctor, is also your own!
And so I send greeting to bridegroom and bride--
The latter a wife good as ever was known;
The former well worthy her homage and pride. God bless your new nuptials!--Still happy at home,
May you both grow serently and gracefully old;
And, till the auriferous wedding shall come,
Find the years that are past were as silver to gold!