Peace, by S. Moore


Peace is a ray of heavenly light--
A calm serenity of thought--
A cloudless day without a night;
A pleasure with a blessing fraught--
A tranquil feeling in the breast.
The antepast of endless rest.   Peace is an undisturbed repose;
The legacy which Christ has given
To comfort, cheer, and succour those
Who strive to scale the mount of heaven--
The trophy which the Christian wears
Who has subdued his doubts and fears.   The wicked has no peace within;
For like the troubled waves which roll,
The billows of disgorging sin
O'erwhelm his guilty, sinking soul;
"There is no peace, " saith God, the Lord,
"To those who sin against my word."   The world has got no peace to give--
Its promises are all a cheat;
But all who to the Saviour live,
And bow before the mercy seat,
Shall hear, while bending to his will
That inward whisper, "Peace, be still."   Peace has a countless host of foes--
Wrath, envy, hatred, malice, pride,
Afflictions, trials, crosses, woes,
Stand frowningly on every side.
Yet kept by faith secure, our peace
Shall in the tempest's rage increase.   Oh! Thou who art the Prince of peace,
Send down a blessing from above,
And bid our strife and jarring cease,
And fill our hearts with perfect love,
That we may feel that peace within--
The pledge of victory over sin. - S. Moore

S. Moore