King of the Year, by Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

King of the Year

I The New Year stood on the earth alone
At the dawn of a bitter day,
And he gathered his robe about his feet
In a petulant baby way.
And he said: "I am king of this fine domain,
Of the bustle, and whirr, and hum;
But here I stand on the earth alone.
Why do not my subjects come?" II Then a bent form came to the tiny feet,
And bowed with a weary smile:
"I am worn, " said he, "and my work is done;
Praise God, I may rest awhile!
But, child, this world is a queer old place,
for nothing is fair and new;
But I wish you luck!" said the grand Old Year;
And he faded away from view. III A strong man paused by the lonely spot
Where the New Year stood in the snow.
"I am one of your subjects, sire, " quoth he,
"And my way is long to go.
But I pledge a sword to your work and play,
And I give you my heart and breath."
"Ah, who are you?" asked the Baby Year.
And the stranger answered, "Death." IV A chubby boy with a merry smile
Came whistling down from high.
"I am come, " cried he, "from the throne of God;
A subject of yours am I.
I give you my arrows sharp and swift,
And a smile from the sky above."
"Ah! What is your name?" asked the small New Year;
And the cherub answered, "Love." V Then the New Year stood in the snow alone,
"And I may be king, " said he.
"I may rule over the earth and sky,
Over the air and sea;
But two rule ever with me, " he said,
"For the merciful God above
Has made them kings of the universe,
And their names are Death and Love." - Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

Margaret Elizabeth Sangster