Poems by Aeschylus

Poems by Aeschylus

A Spectral Vision, by Aeschylus

Chorus from The Libation Bearers A spectral vision clear
Thrills every hair with fear,
In hau...

Adulterous Murder, by Aeschylus

Chorus from The Libation Bearers All help from him hath fled
Who with adulterous tread

Æthiop Land, by Aeschylus

I by experience know the race full well
That dwells in Æ thiop land, where seven-mouthed ...

Agamemnon's Fortune, by Aeschylus

Chorus from Agamemnon Great Fortune is an hungry thing,
And filleth no heart anywhere,

Aphrodite Speaks, by Aeschylus

The pure, bright heaven still yearns to blend with earth,
And earth is filled with love for ma...

The Appointed Time, by Aeschylus

Yet though a man gets many wounds in breast,
He dieth not, unless the appointed time,
The li...

Death God, by Aeschylus

Of all the Gods, Death only craves not gifts:
Nor sacrifice, nor yet drink-offering poured

Death the Healer, by Aeschylus

O Death the Healer, scorn thou not, I pray,
To come to me; of cureless ills thou art
The one...

Lament for the Two Brothers Slain by Each Other's Hand, by Aeschylus

Chorus from The Seven Against Thebes Now do our eyes behold
The tidings which were told:

Murder, by Aeschylus

Chorus from The Libation Bearers And for the blood which Earth,
To whom it owed its birth,

O Great and Sovereign Zeus, by Aeschylus

From Agamemnon O great and sovereign Zeus, O Night,
Great in glory, great in might,
Who ro...

The Price of War, by Aeschylus

From Agamemnon Spectral forms in visions of the night
Come, bringing sorrow with their vain de...

Righteous Vengeance, by Aeschylus

From the Eumenides Come then, and let us dance in solemn strain;
It is our will to chant our ...