The Summit Temple, by Li Bai
Tonight I stay at the Summit Temple.
Here I could pluck the stars with my hand,
I dare not spe...
Tonight I stay at the Summit Temple.
Here I could pluck the stars with my hand,
I dare not spe...
With a jar of wine I sit by the flowering trees.
I drink alone, and where are my friends?
Ah, ...
I hear the Tsang-tsung road
Is rough and rugged, and hard to travel.
It is so steep that the m...
When the hunter sets traps only for rabbits,
Tigers and dragons are left uncaught.
Even so, m...
In the land of Wu the mulberry leaves are green,
And thrice the silkworms have gone to sleep.
I She is a southern girl of Chang-kan Town;
Her face is prettier than star or moon,
And whit...
The autumn moon is half round above the Yo-mei Mountain;
Its pale light falls in and flows with...
The sea-farers tell of the Eastern Isle of Bliss,
It is lost in a wilderness of misty sea waves...
I Came the barbarian horde with the autumn;
Out went the imperial army from the House of Han....
Flocks of birds have flown high and away;
A solitary drift of cloud, too, has gone, wanderin...
Chuang Chou in dream became a butterfly,
And the butterfly became Chuang Chou at waking.
The fields are chill; the sparse rain has stopped;
The colors of Spring teem on every side.
In the twilight of yellow clouds
The crows seek their nests by the city wall.
The crows are fly...
Came an amorous rider,
Trampling the fallen flowers of the road.
The dangling end of his crop
Do you not see the waters of the Yellow River
Come flowing from the sky?
The swift stream pours...