The Fair Queen of Wu, by Li Bai
The breeze passes through the lotus flowers--
All fragrance is the waterside pavilion.
The king...
The breeze passes through the lotus flowers--
All fragrance is the waterside pavilion.
The king...
The white clouds float over the mountains of Chu--
As over the mountains of Chin.
Everywhere th...
The water of the River Pa is swift like an arrow;
The boat on the River Pa slips away
As if it...
Life is an immense dream. Why toil?
All day long I drowse with wine,
And lie by the post at ...
I am a peach tree blossoming in a deep pit.
Who is there I may turn to and smile?
You are the m...
When a little child,
She was reared in a golden house,
Now ripe and lovely, she dwells
In t...
Why do I live among the green mountains?
I laugh and answer not, my soul is serene:
It dwells...
The glory of trailing clouds is in her garments,
And the radiance of a flower on her face.
O h...
She is the flowering branch of the peony,
Richly-laden with honey-dew.
Hers is the charm of th...
She stands, leaning against the balustrade
Of Chen-hsiang Ting, the Pavilion of Aloes.
Fair one, when you were here, I filled the house with flowers.
Fair one, now you are gone--on...
In the deep sequestered stream the lotus grows,
Blooming fresh and fair in the morning sun.
Wine of the grapes,
Goblets of gold--
And a pretty maid of Wu--
She comes on pony-back: she i...
A lovely woman rolls up
The delicate bamboo blind.
She sits deep within,
Twitching her moth e...