Snake Poems

Snake Poems

Amorosa and Company, by Conrad Aiken

Well, there was still a sure hand, anyway,

The Book of Hours of Sister Clotilde, by Amy Lowell

The Bell in the convent tower swung.
High over...

The Red Lacquer Music-Stand, by Amy Lowell

A music-stand of crimson lacquer, long since b...

Sword Blades and Poppy Seed, by Amy Lowell

A drifting, April, twilight sky,
A wind whi...

All Night, by Aleister Crowley

All night no change, no whisper. Scarce a brea...

The Wizard Way, by Aleister Crowley

VELVET soft the night-star glowed
Over the un...

Fort Fuentes, by William Wordsworth

Dread hour! When, upheaved by war's sulphurous...

Visions of the Daughters of Albion, by William Blake

The Argument I lovè d Theotormon,

the summer begins with snakes, by Ray Heinrich

on saturday
in the basement
the doo...

Georgic I, by Virgil

Whence joyful harvests spring, what heav'nly s...

Georgic III, by Virgil

Thee too, great Pales, will I hymn, and thee...

Georgic IV, by Virgil

Of air-born honey, gift of heaven, I now

Pollio, by Virgil

Muses of Sicily, a loftier strain
Be ours: th...

The Mother of God: Acute Alcoholism, by Donald Evans

There was a snake in the gutter--
She was posi...

The Missing Ships, by Albert Laighton

O, thou ever restless sea,
"God's half-utter...

Cleopatra, by Albert Samain

I LEANING in silence on the tower-rampart,

The Bee, by Anacreon

Love, a Bee that lurk'd among
Roses saw not, ...

Hercules & Co., by Arthur Guiterman

When Hercules, beside the Lake
Of Lerna, cut...

Against the Desire of Worldly Things, by Bhartrhari

Envy possesses those that know,
Great men are...

The Description of the Wicked Man, by Bhartrhari

A cruel mind intent on strife,
Envying his ne...

Of Time the Destroyer, by Bhartrhari

Our parents long have passed away,
All old fa...

The Praise of Firmness, by Bhartrhari

The gods with priceless jewels were not bought,...

The Permian Beds of Texas, by Charles Hazelius Sternberg

In Texas, where the Wichita
Enrodes a gash, ...

Lost Atlantis, by Christine Siebeneck Swayne

The blind snake crawls along the walls
Of towe...

Four Acres, by David Ray

The new owners call them
virgin--their four ac...