Plant Poems

Plant Poems

Evening, by Mary T. Lathrap

Marshall, May 31, 1859 The meek stars are br...

An Indian Legend, by Mary T. Lathrap

Far, far away, where the sun goes down,

No More, by Mary T. Lathrap

No more beneath the linden,
Or in a maple gro...

Voices, by Mary T. Lathrap

There are voices sweet in the echoing wood,

A Woman's Answer to a Man's Question, by Mary T. Lathrap

Do you know you have asked for the costliest th...

At Dawn, by Maurice Browne

No wild-foot Dryad haunts this leafless glade

Purple Aster, by May Riley Smith

Bravely my sweet flower resists
Heat of August...

A Thanksgiving Prayer, by May Riley Smith

For toil that is a medicine for woe,
For stre...

December, by M.H. Cobb

Far down the somber-tinted North,
Where Argol...

The Mountain in the West, by M.H. Cobb

Last eve the sunset winds upheaved
A mountain ...

Eunica; or, The Herdsman, by Moschus

When lately I offer'd Eunica to kiss,
She fle...

Europa, by Moschus

Cypris, when all but shone the dawn's glad bea...

Lament for Bion, by Moschus

Ye mountain valleys, pitifully groan!
Rivers ...

Childhood O'er Me Fondly Lingers, by Mrs. O. M. Livingston

Childhood o'er me fondly lingers--
Wraps again...

Freedom, by Mrs. O. M. Livingston

The winds of heaven are sweeping free,
They c...

The Slave's Soliloquy, by Mrs. O. M. Livingston

I am a slave! Oh why was I born!
Why was I mad...

My Lady Hyacinth, by Nellie Seelye Evans

Jars of purple, pearl, and blue,
Quick she ...

Spring, by Nellie Seelye Evans

The lawn's green silk is softly drawn
About th...

To a Child, Two Years Old, by Nellie Seelye Evans

Thy soul's a fountain, crystal clear,
With l...

Glen Lake at Twilight, by Obadiah Cyrus Auringer

How still she lies!
A bride in all her wedding...

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyám, by Omar Khayyám


WAKE! For the Sun, who scatter'd into ...

The Night of Storm, by Paul Fort

BOWED o'er my staff, but raising not my head, ...

Pan and the Cherries, by Paul Fort

I RECOGNIZED him by his skips and hops,
And b...

The Lily of the Valley, by Paul Laurence Dunbar

Sweetest of the flowers a-blooming
In the frag...

The Unlucky Apple, by Paul Laurence Dunbar

'Twas the apple that in Eden
Caused our father...