Fly Poems

Fly Poems

Science and the Soul, by Henry Abbey

I sought, in sleep, to find the mountain-land...

The Last Day of Pompeii, by Henry O'Meara

August 24, A.D. 79. Widespread the centuries,...

Birds of Passage, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Black shadows fall
From the lindens tall,

Maidenhood, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Maiden! With the meek, brown eyes,
In whose ...

The Village Blacksmith, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Under a spreading chestnut-tree
The village sm...

Peace, by Horace G. Groser

Buffeted by the world's unequal strife,
And h...

The Immortality of Verse, by Horace

Lest you should think that verse shall die,

Christmas Time, by Isaac McLellan

The year is well-nigh ended, the leaf is sere ...

Florida Scenes and Sports, by Isaac McLellan

Here in my Northern home I love to muse,

Forest and Stream, by Isaac McLellan

Wide and far the woods extend,
Leaf-laden bra...

Gayeties of Night in the City, by Isaac McLellan

It is eight o'clock of night, and the pallid f...

Grizzly-Bear Hunting, by Isaac McLellan

'Mid scenes magnificently grand
In forest-grou...

The Lion, by Isaac McLellan

In the Mahouna mountain, in the Haracta glen, ...

The Ocean Yacht Race, by Isaac McLellan

A noble sight is this, I ween,
Fair panorama...

Speckled Bass at Lake Pepin, Minn., by Isaac McLellan

It is a fair, pellucid lake,
With towering b...

Wolf, by Isaac McLellan

In winter, when the snows lie deep
In shapele...

Poetry, by James McIntyre

Poetry to us is given,
As stars beautify the ...

Arnold von Winkelried, by James Montgomery

"Make way for liberty!" he cried,
Make way fo...

Divided, by Jean Ingelow

I An empty sky, a world of heather,
Purple ...

Sand Martins, by Jean Ingelow

I passed an inland-cliff precipitate;
From ti...

Kiss I, by Johannes Secundus

When young Ascanius, by the Queen of Love,

Kiss VI, by Johannes Secundus

Two Thousand Kisses of the sweetest kind,

Kiss VII, by Johannes Secundus

Kisses told by Hundreds o'er!
Thousands told b...

Kiss IX, by Johannes Secundus

Cease thy sweet, thy balmy Kisses;
Cease thy...

Kiss XVIII, by Johannes Secundus

When Cytherea first beheld
Those lips with rub...