Kiss IX, by Johannes Secundus

Kiss IX

Cease thy sweet, thy balmy Kisses;
Cease thy many-wreathed smiles;
Cease thy melting, murm'ring blisses;
Cease thy fond, bewitching wiles:   On my bosom soft-reclin'd,
Cease to pour thy tender joys:
Pleasure's limits are confin'd,
Pleasure oft-repeated cloys.   Sparingly your bounty use;
When I ask for Kisses Nine,
Sev'n at least you must refuse,
And let only Two be mine:   Yet let These be neither long,
Nor delicious sweets respire!
But like Those which Virgins young
Artless give their aged sire:   Such! As, with a sister's love,
Beauteous Dian may bestow
On the radiant Son of Jove,
Phœ bus of the silver bow.   Tripping-light, with wanton grace,
Now my lips disorder'd fly,
And in some retired place
Hide thee from my searching eye:   Then in sportive, am'rous play,
Victor-like, I'll seize my love;
Seize thee! As the bird of prey
Pounces on a trembling dove.   Each recess I'll traverse o'er,
Where I think thou liest conceal'd;
Ev'ry covert I'll explore,
Till my Wanton's all reveal'd.   Now your arm submissive-raising,
Round my neck those arms you'll throw;
Now Sev'n Kisses sweetly-pleasing
For your freedom you'll bestow:   But those venal Sev'n are vain; --
Sev'n-times-sev'n's the price, sweet Maid!
Thou my Pris'ner shalt remain,
Till the balmy ransom's paid.   Paying, then, the forfeit due,
By thy much-lov'd Beauties swear,
Faults like these you'll still pursue,
Faults! Which Kisses can repair. - Johannes Secundus

Johannes Secundus