Bee Poems

Bee Poems

The Little Brown Bat, by Edith Matilda Thomas

Quoth the little brown bat: "I rise with the ow...

The Naturalist, by Edith Matilda Thomas

He bides at home, and treasures all
That to h...

On the Eve of Sleep, by Edith Matilda Thomas

What is softer than two snowflakes meeting
In ...

Night-Blooming Cereus, by Edith Willis Linn Forbes

Bride of the Night, clad in such fitting robes...

November, by Edith Willis Linn Forbes

Lush summer had her lavish treasure hurled
On ...

The Bee, by Edwin Curran

The singing bee comes like a little ship,

Christ, by Edwin Curran

That night
The sky bent to the manger with sti...

Spring Winds and Spring Flowers, by Eliza Allen Starr

ST. JOSEPH'S COTTAGE. May, 1865. Soft south a...

But One, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

The year has but one June, dear friend,
The ...

Conversion, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

I have lived this life as a skeptic lives it,

Sonnet, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Methinks ofttimes my heart is like some bee,

What Love Is, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Love is the centre and circumference;
The cau...

The Reaper, by George Houghton

The wheat-stalks are heavy and white,
They sl...

To a Child, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Dear child! How radiant on thy mother's knee,

The Little Chickadee Warbler of the Winter Woods, by Isaac McLellan

The brown chickadee still chirps on the tree,

Early May, by John Burroughs

The time that hints the coming leaf,
When bud...

The Partridge, by John Burroughs

List the booming from afar,
Soft as hum of ro...

The Ballade of Butterflies, by Joyce Kilmer

Because we never build a nest
And no one of us...

Song of the Cricket, by Martha Lavinia Hoffman

When the Summer moonlight evening, weird, fan...

A Summer Morning, by Martha Lavinia Hoffman

Welcome, glad morning, night's sable curtain

To the Birds, by Martha Lavinia Hoffman

O lark, whose joyous warbling comes
Across th...

Mysterious Nature, by Mrs. O. M. Livingston

'Tis a mysterious thing to see the earth
Put o...

Summer, by Nellie Seelye Evans

The pollen on a bee's wing,
His hum against t...

Little Kate, by Robert Leighton

A winking, blinking, little thing,
Full of ...

The Lonely Isle, by Robert Leighton

I know an isle in the desert sea,
Where many ...