Poems by Christine Siebeneck Swayne

Poems by Christine Siebeneck Swayne

Arizona, by Christine Siebeneck Swayne

Stretched out from both my hands
Lie the parched, arid lands,
Thirsty and dry and bare,

Dawn, by Christine Siebeneck Swayne

From the west the night winds blow,
And the clouds are driven far,
In the sky the moon is low...

Deep in the Woods, by Christine Siebeneck Swayne

Deep in the woods and deeper you may stray,
And listen to the wood-doves cooing low,
And half...

The Dream of a Kiss, by Christine Siebeneck Swayne

I dreamed I lay within his master arm,
And that his eye, adventured into mine,
Had roused my...

The Goal of Dreams, by Christine Siebeneck Swayne

I know an isle that very truly seems
To me the Goal of Dreams.   Afar may swaying masthead...

An Hawaiian Afternoon, by Christine Siebeneck Swayne

The sun upon the rocks,
And the breakers on the bar;
And a line of tossing shadows
Where the...

Kealakekua Bay, by Christine Siebeneck Swayne

A cliff uptowering, black as night,
A bay that lies in mystery--
O'ershadowed in the moon's f...

Lost Atlantis, by Christine Siebeneck Swayne

The blind snake crawls along the walls
Of tower and turret ages buried;
The ground swell laps ...

A Moonlit Garden, by Christine Siebeneck Swayne

A murmurous moonlit garden,
A murmuring summer sea,
Not Arcady nor Arden
Is fairer unto me. ...

The Praying Pines, by Christine Siebeneck Swayne

Rooted they stand, but yet like pilgrim bands
That Heavenward raise their hands,
And, prayin...

The Satyrs, by Christine Siebeneck Swayne

Hear the satyrs calling, crying,
As the windy day is dying
O'er the rocks;
And the shepherd...

Sea Foam, by Christine Siebeneck Swayne

Airy foam and fairy form
With white moonlight on her breast,
Fairy form and airy foam

The Small Hours, by Christine Siebeneck Swayne

The wee small hours of blindfold night,
Before the darkness gropes to light,
Are hours most i...

The Soul, by Christine Siebeneck Swayne

Sprung from a past as black as any night,
And all obscurely down the ages come,
A shrouded fi...

Waikiki Beach, by Christine Siebeneck Swayne

This is the Beach whereon the white foam flies
Beneath the mounting skies;
Where the strong oc...