On Lesbia's Inconstancy, by Catullus
My mistress says, there's not a man
Of all the many that she knows,
She'd rather wed than me,...
My mistress says, there's not a man
Of all the many that she knows,
She'd rather wed than me,...
Stranger, the bark you see before you says
That in old times and in her early days
She was a l...
As I was idling time away
Just by the Forum t' other day,
My Varus took me thence
To see the ...
None could ever say that she,
Lesbia! Was so loved by me.
Never all the world around
Faith so...
Thee, Rufus, once I deemed a friend,
My thoughts were vain, aye worse than vain,
Thou did'...
Catullus, let the wanton go!
No longer play the fool, but deem
For ever lost what thou must k...
A kiss in sport I once did snatch,
Juventius, my pet, from thee,
Nor could ambrosia's sweet...
If ever men can pleasure find
When comes the past before the mind,
In thinking o'er good actio...
Kiss me, sweet: the wary lover
Can your favors keep, and cover,
When the common courting jay...
Asinius, Marrucinian vile,
Think you, when wine gives life to jest,
'Tis wit to filch with ...
Gem of all isthmuses and isles that lie,
Fresh or salt water's children, in clear lake
Or amp...
Like to a god he seems to me,
O more than god, if that may be,
The man who, seated next to ...
If there be joy for him who can retrace
His life, and see some good deeds shining there,
Who ...
Companions, who would gladly go
With me through every toil below
To man's remotest seats:
By ways remote and distant waters sped,
Brother, to thy sad graveside am I come,
That I may ...