Worm Poems

Worm Poems

The Italian in England, by Robert Browning

That second time they hunted me
From hill to ...

The Fruit Shop, by Amy Lowell

Cross-ribboned shoes; a muslin gown,

Miscast I, by Amy Lowell

I have whetted my brain until it is like a Dama...

Sunshine Through a Cobwebbed Window, by Amy Lowell

What charm is yours, you faded old-world tapes...

An Evening Walk, by William Wordsworth

Far from my dearest Friend, 'tis mine to rove

Guilt and Sorrow; or, Incidents Upon Salisbury Plain, by William Wordsworth

I A traveller on the skirt of Sarum's Plain

The Book of Thel, by William Blake

I The daughters of Mne Seraphim led round thei...

A Dream, by William Blake

Once a dream did weave a shade
O'er my angel-g...

Europe: a Prophecy, by William Blake

Five windows light the cavern'd Man; thro' one ...

The Sick Rose, by William Blake

O rose, thou art sick!
The invisible worm,

Tiriel, by William Blake

1 And Aged Tiriel. Stood before the Gates of ...

Visions of the Daughters of Albion, by William Blake

The Argument I lovè d Theotormon,

Come the Spring, by Christine Ann Clatworthy

The hay-barn could tell many a story;

The Refuge of Beauty, by Clark Ashton Smith

From regions of the sun's half-dreamt decay,

Georgic III, by Virgil

Thee too, great Pales, will I hymn, and thee...

Atlantis, by Amanda Theodocia Jones

PRELUDE   I If earth's lost youth thou ha...

Corsica, by Anna Letitia Barbauld

Hail, generous Corsica! Unconquered isle!

The Mouse's Petition, by Anna Letitia Barbauld

Oh! Hear a pensive captive's prayer,
For libe...

The Best and Worst Nail in the Ark, by Arthur Guiterman

Now this is the story (and all of ye hark!)

Laus Virginitatis, by Arthur Symons

The mirror of men's eyes delights me less,
O ...

The Rose, by C. B. Langston

The rose--the rose of matchless grace!
That be...

Solitude, by C. B. Langston

Tell me what 'tis to be alone?
It is when dear...

To a Butterfly, by C. B. Langston

Thou gaudy insect! Fickle wanderer!
Thou art a...

To a Spider, by C. B. Langston

Weave on, poor insect! Weave on still,
Thy s...