Vulture Poems

Vulture Poems

Sonnet — to Science, by Edgar Allan Poe

Science! True daughter of Old Time thou art!

Voluntaries, by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Low and mournful be the strain,

Visions of the Daughters of Albion, by William Blake

The Argument I lovè d Theotormon,

Silenus, by Virgil

First breathed my Muse the Syracusan strain,

The Last Redoubt, by Alfred Austin

I KACELVEVO'S slope still felt
The cannon's b...

Arizona, by Elise Pumpelly Cabot

PART I: ARIZONA I MAN above himself looks dow...

Peace and Love, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

There are two angels, messengers of light,

Love of Money, by Hannah Flagg Gould

Alas! She is a tyrant queen--
She fills the wo...

Grizzly-Bear Hunting, by Isaac McLellan

'Mid scenes magnificently grand
In forest-grou...

A Spring Morning, by Jean Lahor

THE crimson morning dazzled me mine eyes,

Love, by S. Moore

There is a love of heat intense,
Which like a...

The Rape of Lucrece, by William Shakespeare

FROM the besieged Ardea all in post,