Violet Poems

Violet Poems

To Sappho, by Alcaeus

O violet-tressed Sappho chaste,
O maid with h...

The Dandelion, by Alice Williams Brotherton

The dandelion disks of gold
Like mimic suns th...

On a Basin Wherein Venus was Engraved, by Anacreon

What bold hand the sea engraves,
Whilst its u...

Falling Leaves, by Andrew Downing

Now the leaves are falling, bronze and brown a...

Three Letters, by Anna Katherine Green

I   FROM HIM TO HER Sweet, when I gave m...

The Invitation, by Anna Letitia Barbauld

HEALTH to my friend, and long unbroken years, ...

Angels' Visits, by Anne S. Bushby

A NIGHT SCENE. The midnight hour had struck, ...

If Fairies But Lived, by Anne S. Bushby

If fairies but lived in this world of ours,

De Profundis Clamavi, by Arthur Symons

I did not know; child, child, I did not know,...

Lilian, by Arthur Symons

I. PROEM. This was a sweet white wildwood viol...

Theseus, by Bacchylides

Blue shadows wreathed the galley's prow that bo...

Unseen, by Bee W. Hasler

In the blind darkness of unlit rooms
I was gro...

My Boyish Days, by C. B. Langston

My boyish days are long past now,
Time's sile...

Wild Flowers, by C. B. Langston

My fancy's queen, the muse, one day,

April Snow, by Caroline Spencer

The green was creeping o'er the brown,
The sk...

Arizona, by Christine Siebeneck Swayne

Stretched out from both my hands
Lie the parch...

Penetralia, by Clara Marcelle Farrar Greene

We are drifting in a dreamland, I and thou,

The Call, by Clinton Scollard

O'er violet-dotted height and king-cup hollow

The Glory of the Spring, by Clinton Scollard

I heard the lyric passion in the night,
And f...

On Caragh Lake, by Clinton Scollard

I On Caragh lake the evening light
Is violet ...

Night, by Dollie Radford

And art thou come again, Oh Night;
I know th...

The Bitter-Sweet of Spring, by Edith Matilda Thomas

I Now is the tender moment of the year
When b...

Cleopatra, by Edward Robeson Taylor

AFTER ALBERT SAMAIN Upon the tower's battlemen...

The Painted Hills of Arizona, by Edwin Curran

The rainbows all lie crumpled on these hills,

Shakespeare, by Edwin Curran

Jovial Shakespeare, like the man he was,