Swan Poems

Swan Poems

The Snow-Storm, by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Announced by all the trumpets of the sky,

The Phoenix And The Turtle , by William Shakespeare

Let the bird of loudest lay,
On the sole Arabi...

Proud Music of the Storm, by Walt Whitman

1 Proud music of the storm,
Blast that care...

Song of Myself, by Walt Whitman

1 I celebrate myself, and sing myself,

An Evening Walk, by William Wordsworth

Far from my dearest Friend, 'tis mine to rove

The Waggoner, by William Wordsworth

Canto the First 'Tis spentthis burning day of ...

Yarrow Unvisited, by William Wordsworth

From Stirling castle we had seen
The mazy Fort...

Balin and Balan, by Alfred Tennyson

Pellam the King, who held and lost with Lot

The Dying Swan, by Alfred Tennyson

1 The plain was grassy, wild and bare,

Eleänore, by Alfred Tennyson

1 Thy dark eyes open'd not,
Nor first revea...

The Holy Grail, by Alfred Tennyson

From noiseful arms, and acts of prowess done

Lancelot and Elaine, by Alfred Tennyson

Elaine the fair, Elaine the loveable,

Morte d'Arthur, by Alfred Tennyson

So all day long the noise of battle roll'd

The Palace of Art, by Alfred Tennyson

I built my soul a lordly pleasure-house

The Passing of Arthur, by Alfred Tennyson

That story which the bold Sir Bedivere,

Mother, by Lola Ridge

Your love was like moonlight
turning harsh thi...

Sons of Belial, by Lola Ridge

I We are old,
Old as song.
Before Rome was

To George Sand: A Desire, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

THOU large-brained woman and large-hearted man,...

An Evening Walk, by William Wordsworth

Far from my dearest Friend, 'tis mine to rove

The Waggoner, by William Wordsworth

Canto the First 'Tis spentthis burning day of ...

Yarrow Unvisited, by William Wordsworth

From Stirling castle we had seen
The mazy Fort...

Visions of the Daughters of Albion, by William Blake

The Argument I lovè d Theotormon,

Georgic II, by Virgil

Thus far the tilth of fields and stars of heave...

On the Occasion of My Lover's Celibacy, by Chocolate Waters

The moon is a hard white rock

Bruges, by Ernest Raynaud

O THING of Spain in Flanders left behind,
O i...