Swallow Poems

Swallow Poems

The Infinity of the Universe, by Lucretius

Now learn of what remains! More keenly hear!

Summer in England, by Maurice Browne

Summer in England, winter in my heart:
So En...

Dementia, by Michael Tusa

It’ s a crime.   They should have s...

A Ballad of the Fields, by Paul Fort

THE devil's ruby eyes peer all night long,

The Reeds Around the Pond, by Paul Fort

THE swallow flees. The twilight falls apace. Th...

Autumn, by Richard Francis Towndrow

I. THE YEAR'S WEALTH The elms are clad in triu...

Summer, by Richard Francis Towndrow

I. JUNE, 1889 Summer at last: the cloudless s...

Tam o' Shanter, by Robert Burns

WHEN chapman billies leave the street,
And dr...

Christmas Pictures, by Rosa Vertner Jeffrey

Christmas-Eve! And all unruffled
Dumb white sp...

The Mississippi River, by Sarah Josepha Hale

Shadowed beneath those awful piles of stone,

The Young Glory, by Stanley Gemmell

I Orb, my heart's mercy to my heart
Quick an...

The Rape of Lucrece, by William Shakespeare

FROM the besieged Ardea all in post,

Grieve Not for Beauty, by Witter Bynner

Grieve not for the invisible, transported brow...