Spider Poems

Spider Poems

Ode to Beauty, by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Who gave thee, O Beauty,
The keys of this br...

The Code, by Robert Frost

THERE were three in the meadow by the brook

Range-Finding, by Robert Frost

THE battle rent a cobweb diamond-strung
And cu...

Snow, by Robert Frost

THE three stood listening to a fresh access

Gerontion, by T. S. Eliot

Thou hast nor youth nor age
But as it were an ...

What the Thunder Said, by T. S. Eliot

After the torchlight red on sweaty faces

A Noiseless Patient Spider, by Walt Whitman

A noiseless patient spider,
I mark'd where on...

Merlin and Vivien, by Alfred Tennyson

A storm was coming, but the winds were still, ...

Wild Duck, by Lola Ridge

I That was a great night we spied upon

Coldness in Love, by D. H. Lawrence

And you remember, in the afternoon
The sea an...

Malade, by D. H. Lawrence

THE sick grapes on the chair by the bed lie pro...

Visions of the Daughters of Albion, by William Blake

The Argument I lovè d Theotormon,

Come the Spring, by Christine Ann Clatworthy

The hay-barn could tell many a story;

Georgic IV, by Virgil

Of air-born honey, gift of heaven, I now

Love, by Francis Jammes

LASS, when they talk of love, laugh in their ...

Peace in all Her Sweetness Hail, by Bacchylides

Peace in all her sweetness hail!
No more the c...

To a Spider, by C. B. Langston

Weave on, poor insect! Weave on still,
Thy s...

On the Way to School, by Charles Ghigna

I'll tell you why I'm tardy and I hope my excus...

The Room Beneath the Rafters, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Sometimes when I have dropped to sleep,

Giraffe-Hunting in Central Africa, by Isaac McLellan

In far 'Mid-Africa, where woods
Illimitable w...

October, by Isaac McLellan

It is October, and the glory of the year
Is i...

Autumn, by Joshua Knight

This is definitely my favorite time of the year...

Coke Nazi, by Joshua Knight

It’ s well documented by now
that Coca C...

The Ballade of Butterflies, by Joyce Kilmer

Because we never build a nest
And no one of us...

Nature and Composition of the Mind, by Lucretius

First, then, I say, the mind which oft we ca...