Sparrow Poems

Sparrow Poems

Each and All, by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Little thinks, in the field, yon red-cloaked ...

May-Day, by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Daughter of Heaven and Earth, coy Spring,

Threnody, by Ralph Waldo Emerson

The South-wind brings
Life, sunshine and desi...

Our Singing Strength, by Robert Frost

IT snowed in spring on earth so dry and warm

Warble for Lilac-Time, by Walt Whitman

Warble me now for joy of lilac-time, (returnin...

A Farewell, by William Wordsworth

Farewell, thou little Nook of mountain-ground,...

The Sparrow's Nest, by William Wordsworth

Behold, within the leafy shade,
Those bright...

Mariana, by Alfred Tennyson

"Mariana in the moated grange." --Measure for...

The Marriage of Geraint, by Alfred Tennyson

The brave Geraint, a knight of Arthur's court,...

Wall Street at Night, by Lola Ridge

Long vast shapes.. Cooled and flushed through w...

Youth and Art, by Robert Browning

It once might have been, once only:
We lodge...

Elegy on Lesbia's Sparrow, by Catullus

Loves and Graces mourn with me,
Mourn, fair ...

Lesbia's Sparrow, by Catullus

Sparrow, that art my darling's pet--
My darli...

Variations: V, by Conrad Aiken

From the cold fountain's sunlit lip
A shining ...

The Cremona Violin, by Amy Lowell

Part First Frau Concert-Meister Altgelt shut t...

A Farewell, by William Wordsworth

Farewell, thou little Nook of mountain-ground,...

The Sparrow's Nest, by William Wordsworth

Behold, within the leafy shade,
Those bright...

The Blossom, by William Blake

Merry, merry sparrow!
Under leaves so green

A Summer Night, by Andrew Downing

The warm, long day is ended,
The cooler nigh...

The Chain of Life is Perfect, by Ardelia Cotton Barton

Oh, take this pansy blossom,
And study well ...

Tarot, by Bernard McEvoy

(An Artistic and Ephemeral Publication) Shot a...

Homeward, by Caroline Spencer

It is the time when birds are calling,
Each t...

Sweet Bells Jangled Out of Tune, by Clara Marcelle Farrar Greene

OPHELIA IN HAMLET. Adown the soft meadow, the...

Alms, by Edna St. Vincent Millay

My heart is what it was before,
A house where...

Passer Mortuus Est, by Edna St. Vincent Millay

DEATH devours all lovely things;
Lesbia with ...