Seal Poems

Seal Poems

A Thought, by Julia Gibson

In America the
Dead are laid
Out in ordered...

The Prisoner of Chillon, by Lord Byron

My hair is grey, but not with years,
Nor gre...

Ambition's Climax, by Martha Lavinia Hoffman

There is no climax in Ambition's scope,

Fame, by Martha Lavinia Hoffman

Millions have gazed upon thy towering height,

An Indian Legend, by Mary T. Lathrap

Far, far away, where the sun goes down,

The Wanderer's Grave, by Mary T. Lathrap

May 25, 1857 'T was the holy hour of twilight...

Urology, by Peter Finch

from Zen Cymru hardly anything hurts here

Sais, by Richard Chenevix Trench

An awful statue, by a veil half-hid,
At Sais...

The Aurora Borealis, by Richard Francis Towndrow

The nights of October 24th and 25th, 1870, we...

To Sleep, by Robert Leighton

O Sleep! Would that thou'dst seek my lonesome b...

Sunset Symbols, by Rosa Vertner Jeffrey

I watched the sun with lurid splendor set,

Patience, by S. Moore

When trials come, for come they will,
Be pat...

New England, by Stephen Greenleaf Bulfinch

Oh who upon his lips could lay
The seal of cau...

Evening, by Watie W. Swanzy

After the turmoil and heat of the day,
Comes ...

God of Mercy, by Watie W. Swanzy

God of mercy hear me now!
Place thy seal upon ...

Death of the Patriots, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, by William B. Tappan

July 4, 1826. The trump of war rings loudly, ...

The Rape of Lucrece, by William Shakespeare

FROM the besieged Ardea all in post,