Rose Poems

Rose Poems

Morte d'Arthur, by Alfred Tennyson

So all day long the noise of battle roll'd

Ode to Memory, by Alfred Tennyson

1 Thou who stealest fire,
From the fountain...

The Palace of Art, by Alfred Tennyson

I built my soul a lordly pleasure-house

The Passing of Arthur, by Alfred Tennyson

That story which the bold Sir Bedivere,

Pelleas and Ettarre, by Alfred Tennyson

King Arthur made new knights to fill the gap

Recollections of the Arabian Nights, by Alfred Tennyson

When the breeze of a joyful dawn blew free
In ...

The Revenge: A Ballad of the Fleet, by Alfred Tennyson

At Flores in the Azores Sir Richard Grenville l...

The Revival, by Alfred Tennyson

1 A touch, a kiss! The charm was snapt.

The Sisters, by Alfred Tennyson

We were two daughters of one race:
She was th...

The Talking Oak, by Alfred Tennyson

Once more the gate behind me falls;
Once more...

To J. S., by Alfred Tennyson

The wind, that beats the mountain, blows

The Two Voices, by Alfred Tennyson

A still small voice spake unto me,
"Thou art ...

The Vision of Sin, by Alfred Tennyson

1 I had a vision when the night was late:

The Days of Spring, by Hafez

The days of Spring are here! The eglantine,

Ode II, by Hafez

From the Divan The bird of gardens sang unto t...

Ode IV, by Hafez

From the Divan Sleep on thine eyes, bright as...

Ode VIII, by Hafez

From the Divan The rose has flushed red, the ...

Ode XIV, by Hafez

The nightingale with drops of his heart's blood...

Ode XVI, by Hafez

From the Divan What is wrought in the forge of...

Ode XIX, by Hafez

From the Divan What drunkenness is this that b...

Ode XXII, by Hafez

From the Divan The rose is not fair without th...

Ode XXIII, by Hafez

From the Divan My lady, that did change this ...

Ode XXV, by Hafez

From the Divan The days of absence and the bit...

Ode XXVII, by Hafez

My friend has fled! Alas, my friend has fled, ...

Ode XXIX, by Hafez

From the Divan From Canaan Joseph shall return...