Mule Poems

Mule Poems

Salut au Monde!, by Walt Whitman

1 O take my hand Walt Whitman!
Such gliding ...

Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere, by Alfred Tennyson

Like souls that balance joy and pain,
With te...

My Last Duchess, by Robert Browning

FERRARA That's my last Duchess painted on the ...

On a Stupid Husband, by Catullus

Thou lively town, that wouldst with gladness s...

The Fool Errant, by Amy Lowell

The Fool Errant sat by the highway of life

Fiesole Idyl, by Walter Savage Landor

Here, where precipitate Spring, with one ligh...

Georgic I, by Virgil

Whence joyful harvests spring, what heav'nly s...

The Best and Worst Nail in the Ark, by Arthur Guiterman

Now this is the story (and all of ye hark!)

Man, by Sophocles

Chorus from Antigone I Many the forms of life...