Frog Poems

Frog Poems

May-Day, by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Daughter of Heaven and Earth, coy Spring,

Witches Chant (From Macbeth) , by William Shakespeare

Round about the couldron go:
In the poisones e...

Brooding Grief, by D. H. Lawrence

A YELLOW leaf from the darkness
Hops like a fr...

Soldiers, by Maxwell Bodenheim

The smile of one face is like a fierce mermaid

I'm Nobody!, by Emily Dickinson

I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?...

Muckle-Mouth Meg, by Robert Browning

FROWNED the Laird on the Lord: "So, red-handed...

The Blue Scarf, by Amy Lowell

Pale, with the blue of high zeniths, shimmere...

Autumn Night, by Evelyn Scott

The moon is as complacent as a frog.
She sits ...

Visions of the Daughters of Albion, by William Blake

The Argument I lovè d Theotormon,

To the Moon, by Arthur Guiterman

Beloved of lovers, bards, astronomers,

The Singingwoman from the Wood's Edge, by Edna St. Vincent Millay

What should I be but a prophet and a liar,

Evening, by Watie W. Swanzy

After the turmoil and heat of the day,
Comes ...