Falcon Poems

Falcon Poems

Lancelot and Elaine, by Alfred Tennyson

Elaine the fair, Elaine the loveable,

The Marriage of Geraint, by Alfred Tennyson

The brave Geraint, a knight of Arthur's court,...

Merlin and Vivien, by Alfred Tennyson

A storm was coming, but the winds were still, ...

Rosalind, by Alfred Tennyson

My Rosalind, my Rosalind,
Bold, subtle, ca...

I Live My Life in Spreading Rings, by Rainer Maria Rilke

I live my life in spreading rings
that encompa...

A Sea Thrall, by Clinton Scollard

The murmur and the moaning of the sea,
They m...

Maidenhood, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Maiden! With the meek, brown eyes,
In whose ...

A White Rose, by John Boyle O'Reilly

The red rose whispers of passion,
And the whi...

The Rape of Lucrece, by William Shakespeare

FROM the besieged Ardea all in post,

The Second Coming, by William Butler Yeats

Turning and turning in the widening gyreThe fal...