Cattle Poems

Cattle Poems

Canadian Thames, by James McIntyre

Westward it winds past each town,
Growing bro...

Province of Ontario, by James McIntyre

In the land of woods and lakes,
Pure happines...

The Ruffian, by Jean Moréas

IN the splendid casket of its scarlet lining

The Indigo-Bird, by John Burroughs

Oh, late to come but long to sing,
My little...

Midsummer in the Catskills, by John Burroughs

The strident hum of sickle-bar,
Like giant in...

Maud Muller, by John Greenleaf Whittier

MAUD MULLER, on a summer's day,
Raked the m...

The Soul's Need, by Jules Romains

I WISH for nothing more
Than my emotion of now...

Substance Is Eternal, by Lucretius

This terror, then, this darkness of the mind,...

A Summer Afternoon, by Mary Dow Brine

A daisied meadow lying fair under a summer sky;...

Eunica; or, The Herdsman, by Moschus

When lately I offer'd Eunica to kiss,
She fle...

Hair, by Remy de Gourmont

THERE is great mystery, Simone,
In the fores...

The Ballad of East and West, by Rudyard Kipling

Oh, East is East, and West is West, and neve...

A Night Meditation, by S. Moore

"In the night His Song shall be with me." --P...

The Maiden at the Fountain, by Stuart Merrill

LOVE'S daughters bend above the silent source, ...

Easy Friends, by Theognis of Megara

Never engage with a poltroon or craven--

Anthem For Doomed Youth, by Wilfred Owen

What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?...

Will V-Day Be Me-Day Too?, by Langston Hughes

            Over There,            World War II...