Car Poems

Car Poems

Mirror Lake, by Robert McIntyre

When Day cometh over the dim mountain tops,

For Thanksgiving Day, by S. Moore

Thanks to the Author of all good
For every gif...

Nigella, by Simone Mansell Broome

Laid out on flattened car seats she's brought i...

Sumptuous Obsequies, by Theognis of Megara

I envy not these sumptuous obsequies,
The sta...

Horatius, by Thomas Babington Macaulay

A Lay Made about the Year of the City CCCLX I ...

A Visit from Mary, by Tony Turner

You step from the car
and a four-hour drive wi...

Colosseum, Rome, by Watie W. Swanzy

Mids all the ruins Rome can boast, --
And they...

Death of the Patriots, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, by William B. Tappan

July 4, 1826. The trump of war rings loudly, ...

6 am on the beach in Venice, by William F. DeVault

the clouds forming a ceiling that caps a feelin...

The Stolen Child, by William Butler Yeats

Where dips the rocky highlandOf Sleuth Wood in ...

Poems Done on a Late Night Car, by Carl Sandburg


I am The Great White Way of the ci...

Window, by Carl Sandburg

Night from a railroad car window
Is a great, da...

Still Life, by Carl Sandburg

Cool your heels on the rail of an observation c...