Bear Poems

Bear Poems

The Path of Altruism, by Bhartrhari

Trees are bowed down with weight of fruit,

The Praise of Destiny, by Bhartrhari

Under Vrihaspati's own eyes
Entrenched on heav...

The Praise of the Good Man, by Bhartrhari

All-hail to those who love the good,
And sinf...

Cleodamus and Myrson, by Bion of Smyrna

What sweet for ...

Trees, by Bishal Karna

About life
I started writing a book.
Writing ...

An Arctic Vision, by Bret Harte

Where the short-legged Eskimo
Waddle in the ic...

Fireflies, by C. B. Langston

Oh, the fireflies! Oh, the fireflies!
They r...

Home, by C. B. Langston

Wherever I wander, wherever I roam,
The home...

To a Raven, by C. B. Langston

Dost thou bear me evil thou croaking bird?

To a Spider, by C. B. Langston

Weave on, poor insect! Weave on still,
Thy s...

To a Vase of Flowers, by C. B. Langston

Are they sighs of sorrow, my sweet flowers!

Wild Flowers, by C. B. Langston

My fancy's queen, the muse, one day,

The Bathing of Pallas, by Callimachus

Come forth, come forth, ye virgins, and prep...

Hymn to Ceres, by Callimachus

The basket swift-descending from the skies,

Hymn to Delos, by Callimachus

O when, my soul, wilt thou resound the praise...

Hymn to Diana, by Callimachus

Tho' great Apollo claim the poet's lyre,
Yet ...

Hymn to Jupiter, by Callimachus

Whilst we to Jove immortal and divine,

When Love and Wine Inspire, by Callimachus

If sober, and inclin'd to sport,
To you, my...

Lethe, by Carmen Sylva

When dark thy childhood, tears and grief have ...

To the Memory of Queen Victoria, by Carmen Sylva

These ever wakeful eyes are closed. They saw

High and Low, by Caroline Spencer

A little nook, a barren nook,
Lowest and dar...

On the Dark Mountains, by Caroline Spencer

We cry "Our Father!" we that yearn
Upward to s...

Patience, by Caroline Spencer

God's right-hand angel, bright and calm!

A Strange Singer, by Caroline Spencer

Joy's the shyest bird
Mortal ever heard;

The Swift Messenger, by Caroline Spencer

O Ariel, tricksy and dainty,
You spirit of f...