To the Oregon Robin, by John Burroughs
KADIAK, July, 1899 O varied thrush! O robin ...
KADIAK, July, 1899 O varied thrush! O robin ...
MAUD MULLER, on a summer's day,
Raked the m...
Never in tender quiet lapsed the day
From Penn...
There are apples in
the fall
(aching blossoms...
A doorway is a hopeless hiding place
and the s...
Queen Guinevere,
Three sleek and silent cats
O lark, whose joyous warbling comes
Across th...
'T is a land of old romance and story, --
The ...
Childhood o'er me fondly lingers--
Wraps again...
'Twas the apple that in Eden
Caused our father...
The Tale of a Gunner at the Battle of Plattsbur...
From Sweet Sorrow & Bitter Apple The yello...
There's a bluebird sits on the apple-tree bough...
I love the nurseries,
Where, all arow,
Let the boy try along this bayonet-blade
How c...
Have you seen an apple orchard in the spring?
I went out to the hazel wood, Because a fire ...