Ah me! Those joyous days are gone!
I little dreamt, till they were flown,
How fleeting were the hours!
For, lest he break the pleasing spell,
Time bears for youth a muffled bell,
And hides his face in flowers! Ah! Well I mind me of the days,
Still bright in memory's flattering rays,
When all was fair and new;
When knaves were only found in books,
And friends were known by friendly looks,
And love was always true! While yet of sin I scarcely dreamed,
And everything was what it seemed,
And all too bright for choice;
When fays were wont to guard my sleep,
And Crusoe still could make me weep,
And Santa Claus, rejoice! When Heaven was pictured to my thought
(In spite of all my mother taught
Of happiness serene)
A theatre of boyish plays--
One glorious round of holidays,
Without a school between! Ah me! Those joyous days are gone;
I little dreamt, till they were flown,
How fleeting were the hours!
For, lest he break the pleasing spell,
Time bears for youth a muffled bell,
And hides his face in flowers!