Grief, by William Wilsey Martin
Grief comes, a giantess, with strength to bind;
She grips our hand and glares into our eyes; ...
Grief comes, a giantess, with strength to bind;
She grips our hand and glares into our eyes; ...
I Some Friendships are like leaves; when skies are fair
Their green flags flutter, making glad...
I lay afloat, in an idle boat
(A fisher-lad held the oar),
Off a Devon strand, and watch'd t...
Blow, wild March wind! In hollows of the lea,
In copses low, thy bride awaiteth thee--
The t...
Thro' the gateways of Eden, Eve all mournful
Look'd, gold gateways of Eden, sharply closing
The autumn leaves, the autumn leaves go by,
In gusty showers of red and gold they fly;
In sh...