Birds, by Sarah Josepha Hale
If ever I see,
On bush or tree,
Young birds in a pretty nest,
I must not, in my play,
If ever I see,
On bush or tree,
Young birds in a pretty nest,
I must not, in my play,
Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow,
And everywhere that Mary went
The lamb...
Shadowed beneath those awful piles of stone,
Where Liberty has found a Pisgah height,
America! My own dear land--
O, 'tis a lovely land to me;
I thank my God that I was born
I have learned my lesson,
And mother said
She would give me a kiss
When I went to bed--
I do...
The pleasant Spring has come again,
The pretty birds are here,
The grass grows in the gentle ...
How beautiful the morning,
When summer days are long;
O, we will rise betimes and hear
The ...