The Haunts of Ashur, by Robert Elliott Gonzales
'Tis night. And now is Dian seen
Ensconced upon her silver throne;
The glittering, bright-eye...
'Tis night. And now is Dian seen
Ensconced upon her silver throne;
The glittering, bright-eye...
Since when in days agone we met,
My life is dark and drear;
The sullen clouds are sable shrou...
Companioned from the ivory halls of morn
With unimaginable melody,
She stoops, and squanders ...
I stood upon the topmost crag of rock-ribbed Tau
Which belts an inland sea. Adown the diamond sl...
Thine eyes are the stars of the morning,
Thy breath is the breath of the rose;
And bright as ...
Upon a high-raised hill in Avalon,
Four dragon sentinels with burnished scales
Keep ward and w...
Here dim dream-vistas thronged with phantom shapes
Show distant garden-gates of Proserpine,
I Somewhere in magic mystery,
Beyond the hills,
Are diamond dells,
Encircled by ...
Like a thousand bright fire-flies,
Dancing where the pond mists rise,
Comes the moonlight o'e...