Poems by Judah Ha-Levi

Poems by Judah Ha-Levi

Back, My Soul, by Judah Ha-Levi

Back, my soul, into thy nest;
Earth is not for thee;
Still in heaven find thy nest;

The Immortality of Israel, by Judah Ha-Levi

The sun and moon unchanging do obey
The laws that never cease or night or day.
Appointed signs ...

My Heart Is in the East, by Judah Ha-Levi

My heart is in the East, tho' in the West I live,
The sweet of human life no happiness can giv...

Oh! City of the World, by Judah Ha-Levi

Oh! City of world, most chastely fair;
In the far west, behold I sigh for thee.
And in my ye...

The Pride of a Jew, by Judah Ha-Levi

With all my heart, in truth, and passion strong,
I love Thee; both in solitude and throng

Separation, by Judah Ha-Levi

And so we twain must part! Oh linger yet,
And let me still feed my glance upon thine eyes.

To Zion, by Judah Ha-Levi

Art thou not hungry for thy children, Zion, --
Thy sons far-scattered through an alien world?