Poems by Horace G. Groser

Poems by Horace G. Groser

Easter, by Horace G. Groser

The blind bare world cries for the living Spring,
And we to Thee, O Lord of Life, that feel

In Quest of Summer, by Horace G. Groser

So long the rain-clouds saddening lay
Across the blue of English skies,
So long in regions far...

March Winds, by Horace G. Groser

Blow, winds of March, and bring the brightening days!
Blow, ruthless winds! For life is in yo...

Peace, by Horace G. Groser

Buffeted by the world's unequal strife,
And harassed by the clinging cares that spread
Their h...

Tokens of Spring, by Horace G. Groser

Now breaks the year into its rosy dawn;
And, like pale fugitives in long retreat,
The last o...

The Trysting-Place, by Horace G. Groser

Outside the white-walled Southern town,
Beyond the orchards flushed with bloom,
A place there...

Atlantis, by Horace G. Groser

Far out beyond the furrowed seas they lie,
Those fair Atlantic isles; beyond the strait
Where ...