Poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

A Court Lady, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

I HER hair was tawny with gold, her eyes with purple were dark,
Her cheeks' pale opal burnt w...

The Dance, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

I You remember down at Florence our Caseine,
Where the people on the feast-days walk and drive...

Discontent, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

LIGHT human nature is too lightly tost
And ruffled without cause; complaining on--
Restless wit...

Exaggeration, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

WE overstate the ills of life, and take
Imagination, given us to bring down
The choirs of sin...

The Face of All the World Is Changed, I Think, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

The face of all the world is changed, I think,
Since first I heard the footsteps of thy soul

First Time He Kissed Me, He But Only Kissed, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

First time he kissed me, he but only kissed
The fingers of this hand wherewith I write;
And e...

The First Time That the Sun Rose on Thine Oath, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

The first time that the sun rose on thine oath
To love me, I looked forward to the moon
To sla...

Go From Me--Yet I Feel That I Shall Stand, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Go from me. Yet I feel that I shall stand
Henceforward in thy shadow. Nevermore
Alone upon the ...

I See Thine Image Through My Tears To-night, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

I see thine image through my tears to-night,
And yet to-day I saw thee smiling. How
Refer the ...

Irreparableness, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

I HAVE been in the meadows all the day
And gathered there the nosegay that you see:
Singing wi...

Insufficiency, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

WHEN I attain to utter forth in verse
Some inward thought, my soul throbs audibly
Along my pul...

I Never Gave a Lock of Hair Away, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

I never gave a lock of hair away
To a man, Dearest, except this to thee,
Which now upon my f...

Indeed This Very Love Which Is My Boast, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Indeed this very love which is my boast,
And which, when rising up from breast to brow,

I Lived With Visions for My Company, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

I lived with visions for my company
Instead of men and women, years ago,
And found them gentl...

I Lift My Heavy Heart Up Solemnly, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

I lift my heavy heart up solemnly,
As once Electra her sepulchral urn,
And, looking in thine...