Ghosts, by Edward Robeson Taylor
The ghosts that come from out the years,
Dream-winged and purged of passion's fears,
Troop ro...
The ghosts that come from out the years,
Dream-winged and purged of passion's fears,
Troop ro...
She rests not where the bending flowers
Can spill their perfumes over her,
But in the cells of...
Tile-roofed and low it meekly stands,
The loving work of loving hands,
And views, from out i...
Full oft it was as balmy night
Wove many a web of dreamy light,
The moon so touched her buddin...
The year draws nigh the edge of death; for see,
These dreary branches have already shed
Such m...
All round us here, in myriad number strown,
The monstrous trunks, great chips and splinters l...
I do remember in the Long Ago
How flamed the maple 'gainst the clouded sky,
While oak and hick...
The leaves are falling, falling,
By autumn's breath embrowned;
The restless winds are callin...
With look bespeaking golden prophecy
For that dear city she has made her own,
Superbly poises ...
The burning sun has scorched the rainless ground,
Where the volcano's progeny still lie;
And ...
AFTER FERNAND GREGH This eve dream brims my heart, my tears unbidden rise,
Eachwhile I feel a...