Poems by Carolyn Crosby Wilson

Poems by Carolyn Crosby Wilson

Love Songs, by Carolyn Crosby Wilson

I There are some things too wonderful to tell:
Sunset, red-gold across a waveless sea,

Your Love Has Come Between Us Like a Bar, by Carolyn Crosby Wilson

Your love has come between us like a bar;
Your fire has burned away our old content;
And I ca...

"You Are My Dream," You Said, by Carolyn Crosby Wilson

"You are my dream, " you said; and in my hand,
Trusting me silently, you laid the key
Of all ...

With What Dull Drugs, by Carolyn Crosby Wilson

With what dull drugs do I conspire to still
My heart that cries for you incessantly:
Drowned i...

The Window, by Carolyn Crosby Wilson

All day I wait and stare,
Or drowse with lowered lid;
No passer finds me fair,
Or dreams of...

Who Would Have Guessed, by Carolyn Crosby Wilson

Who would have guessed four words, so quickly said,
Could raise this wall between us? I, who ...

Was Ever Love So Wonderful as This?, by Carolyn Crosby Wilson

Was ever love so wonderful as this?
Do others in so sober a disguise
Walk golden pavements unde...

To a Child in Church, by Carolyn Crosby Wilson

Erect and rigid little head
Dawning above the high-backed pew,
With wispy ringlets haloè...

Thoughts In an Art Gallery, by Carolyn Crosby Wilson

I. On Silence I pad along the swept and polished floor,
Stealthy and rubber-heeled; I meet and...

There Was a Day I Could Not Find You, Dear, by Carolyn Crosby Wilson

There was a day I could not find you, dear,
Something within my very self went blind.
I sough...

Since Words Are Not, by Carolyn Crosby Wilson

You, since no arms could hold, no lips could press
Close as our close-knit spirits, which are...

The Return, 1918, by Carolyn Crosby Wilson

Flowers are on the mantle; in the grate
A new fire crackles; there's a table bright
With a brid...

Mid Winter, by Carolyn Crosby Wilson

If I were God, I'd mould hills rolling low,
Smooth them and shape them, sift them deep with s...

Attainment, by Carolyn Crosby Wilson

To reach the top you strove;
You only saw brown earth that backward swept
Beneath your feet;

Intrusion, by Carolyn Crosby Wilson

The very soul of beauty I had caught
In my two hands, a shimmering, fluttering thing,
I wors...