Poems by Amy Lowell

Poems by Amy Lowell

The Ring and the Castle, by Amy Lowell

"BENJAMIN BAILEY, Benjamin Bailey, why do you wake at the stroke of three?"
"I heard the hoot...

Roads, by Amy Lowell

I know a country laced with roads,
They join the hills and they span the brooks,
They weave l...

The Road to Avignon, by Amy Lowell

A Minstrel stands on a marble stair,
Blown by the bright wind, debonair;
Below lies the sea,...

A Roxbury Garden, by Amy Lowell

I Hoops Blue and pink sashes,
Criss-cross shoes,
Minna and Stella run out into the garden

Sancta Maria, Succure Miseris, by Amy Lowell

Dear Virgin Mary, far away,
Look down from Heaven while I pray.
Open your golden casement hig...

The Shadow, by Amy Lowell

Paul Jannes was working very late,
For this watch must be done by eight
To-morrow or the Cardi...

The Sixteenth Floor, by Amy Lowell

The noise of the city sounds below me.
It clashes against the houses
And rises like smoke throu...

Song, by Amy Lowell

Oh! To be a flower
    Nodding in the sun,
Bending, then upspringing

Storm by the Seashore, by Amy Lowell

There is no moon in the sky,
But with each step
I see one grow in the sand
Under my feet.

Storm-Racked, by Amy Lowell

How should I sing when buffeting salt waves
And stung with bitter surges, in whose might
I tos...

To an Early Daffodil, by Amy Lowell

Thou yellow trumpeter of laggard Spring!
Thou herald of rich Summer's myriad flowers!
The climb...

To John Keats, by Amy Lowell

Great master! Boyish, sympathetic man!
Whose orbed and ripened genius lightly hung
From life's...

To Elizabeth Ward Perkins, by Amy Lowell

Dear Bessie, would my tired rhyme
    Had force to rise from apathy,

Stravinsky's Three Pieces "Grotesques", for String Quartet, by Amy Lowell

First Movement Thin-voiced, nasal pipes
Drawing sound out and out
Until it is a screeching th...

To a Friend, by Amy Lowell

I ask but one thing of you, only one,
That always you will be my dream of you;
That never sh...