Poems by Alfred Tennyson

Poems by Alfred Tennyson

The Revival, by Alfred Tennyson

1 A touch, a kiss! The charm was snapt.
There rose a noise of striking clocks,
And feet tha...

Rizpah, by Alfred Tennyson

I Wailing, wailing, wailing, the wind over land and sea–
And Willy’ s voice in...

Rosalind, by Alfred Tennyson

My Rosalind, my Rosalind,
Bold, subtle, careless Rosalind,
Is one of those who know no str...

Shall the Hag Evil Die with the Child of Good, by Alfred Tennyson

Shall the hag Evil die with the child of Good,
Or propagate again her loathè d kind,

Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere, by Alfred Tennyson

Like souls that balance joy and pain,
With tears and smiles from heaven again
The maiden Sprin...

The Vision of Sin, by Alfred Tennyson

1 I had a vision when the night was late:
A youth came riding toward a palace-gate.
He rode ...

Ulysses, by Alfred Tennyson

It little profits that an idle king,
By this still hearth, among these barren crags,

The Two Voices, by Alfred Tennyson

A still small voice spake unto me,
"Thou art so full of misery,
Were it not better not to be?...

To the Queen, by Alfred Tennyson

O loyal to the royal in thyself,
And loyal to thy land, as this to thee--
Bear witness, that...

To J. S., by Alfred Tennyson

The wind, that beats the mountain, blows
More softly round the open wold,
And gently comes t...

To a Lady Sleeping, by Alfred Tennyson

O thou whose fringè d lids I gaze upon,
Through whose dim brain the wingè d dream...

To ——, by Alfred Tennyson

Sainted Juliet! Dearest name!
If to love be life alone,
Divinest Juliet,
I love thee, and l...

Though Night hath Climbed Her Peak of Highest Noon, by Alfred Tennyson

Though Night hath climbed her peak of highest noon,
And bitter blasts the screaming autumn whir...

The Sisters, by Alfred Tennyson

We were two daughters of one race:
She was the fairest in the face:
The wind is blowing in tu...

Sonnet to J. M. K., by Alfred Tennyson

My hope and heart is with thee--thou wilt be
A latter Luther, and a soldier-priest
To scare ch...