Jay Poems

Jay Poems

May-Day, by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Daughter of Heaven and Earth, coy Spring,

Pan with Us, by Robert Frost

PAN came out of the woods one day, --
His ski...

Resolution and Independence, by William Wordsworth

I There was a roaring in the wind all night; ...

To Celia, by Catullus

Kiss me, sweet: the wary lover
Can your favor...

The Red Lacquer Music-Stand, by Amy Lowell

A music-stand of crimson lacquer, long since b...

Resolution and Independence, by William Wordsworth

I There was a roaring in the wind all night; ...

October, by Andrew Downing

Full wealth of pleasing sights
October brings ...

Winter Birds, by Andrew Downing

Fair is the sky, for the cloud-rack is lifted-...

Mikko the Squirrel, by Arthur Guiterman


When the Deer Come Down to Drink, by Arthur Guiterman

When the deer come down to drink,
Their antle...

Under a Pine at the Grand Canyon, by Edward Robeson Taylor

Beneath a friendly, towering pine we lay--

Lake Tahoe, Colorado, by Isaac McLellan

The day is done, the sunset fires grow pale

The Notes of the Birds, by Isaac McLellan

Well do I love those various harmonies
That ri...

Pictures of the Past, by Robert McIntyre

God is good to let us keep in mind the pictures...

The Circus, by Witter Bynner

I went tonight to a country circus.
There had ...