Warriors of the Revolution, by William B. Tappan

Warriors of the Revolution

Mark ye the men of other days!
The true, the tried of yore,
Even now they come on Fancy's gaze,
As in might they came before;
They come--aye, 'tis a gallant show, --
These died not for a name;
Not to pluck garlands from the foe,
Or trumpet-songs from fame.   In proud array their ranks again
Start from the heaving sod,
They marshal on the embattled plain,
Their warrior feet once trod;
The sainted, the immortal band,
Forever Freedom's boast, --
On Recollection's mount they stand,
A glorious, god-like host.   Clothed in the perils of that day,
And wounds no longer dumb,
With honours torn from deadly fray,
The ghosts--they come! They come!
Each phantom-finger points afar
To many a blood-dyed field;
Behold their wounds! In every scar
Behold a nation's shield!   They come, exalted from the crowd
Of all the ignoble dead;
To tell of these whom grief hath bowed,
Who bled as they have bled;
In the light of every lofty deed,
Their shadows rise to view;
They come from trophied tombs to plead
For these--the lingering few.   The breeze that waves their withered hairs
Is stirred not with their breath;
Voiceless--yet deep that speech, for theirs
Is eloquence of death:
Stretch out the strong, the succouring arm
For these, the faithful Brave;
The weary-worn--their passing calm
Down to the peaceful grave!

poems.one - William B. Tappan

William B. Tappan